Sampit conflict occurs between ethnic Dayaks and Madurese. This conflict began in February 2001 and lasted throughout the year. Conflict between the Dayak and Madura tribes did not only occur in 2001. Major conflicts also occurred between December 1996 and January 1997.
In 1996, a rape incident occurred at the Panala cinema. Rape also ended in cruel and sadistic killing by Madurese. It turns out that the sentence given is very light.
In 1997, a Dayak incident was attacked by Madurese with a strength ratio of 2: 40 in Karang Langit Village, South Barito. In that incident all Madurese were killed. The Dayaks who were attacked and defended themselves using martial arts, so that the attackers were defeated altogether. The Dayaks who were involved in inside were severely punished. A boy named Waldi was killed by a Madurese satay seller. This incident occurred in Tumbang Samba, the capital of Central Katingan District. The Dayak boy died horribly with more than 30 stabs on his body. The child did not know anything about the problem, while the young people who were in conflict with the satay seller had run away. Waldi was just a victim who happened to pass by the scene.
In 1998, Dayaks were beaten by four Madurese until they died in Palangkaraya. The culprit can't be arrested for running away. Even this case has no legal resolution.
In 1999, a public order officer in Palangkaraya was hacked by Madurese. The culprit was detained at Palangkaraya Police Station, but the next day a group of Madurese tribes demanded that his friend be released without charge. Palangkarya Police also released him without lawsuits. In addition, there were mass fights with Madurese in P freight, the capital city of Arut Utara District, Kotawaringin Barat Regency. This happened because the Madurese who forced to take gold when the Dayak tribe mined gold. This fight incident caused many victims from both sides and without legal settlement. This year there was also a stabbing incident against a husband and wife named Iba by three Madurese. The couple was seriously injured and treated at RSUD Dr. Doris Sylvanus, Palangkaraya. Maintenance and operation costs are borne by the Central Kalimantan Regional Government. However, the hackers were not arrested because they reportedly had returned to the island of Madura.
In 1982, a Madurese murdered a Dayak tribe. The culprit was not caught and the investigation and legal settlement did not exist.
In 2000, a Dayak family was killed by a Madurese in P freight, West Kotawaringin. The perpetrators of the massacre ran and without legal settlement. In addition, there was a murder of Sendung in Kereng Pangi, Kasongan, East Kotawaringin Regency. The victim was beaten by Madurese and the perpetrators fled, so they were not captured and reportedly had fled to Madura Island. The legal process was not complete.
In 2001, many Dayaks were killed because they were killed in Sampit on February 17-20, 2001. Madurese first attacked Dayak residents. One Dayak citizen was killed because he was attacked by Madurese in Palangkaraya on February 25, 2001. In addition, there were also cases of Madurese in parts of West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. This incident also continued with the occurrence of the gripping Sampit incident.


  1. Please include the references.

    Other than that, you did a good job :)


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