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Nur Latifah : "Hi, Liza..."

Siti Nurhaliza : " hi,Nur.."

Nur latifah : what are you doing here?"

Siti Nurhaliza : "i want to order some food, but i'm confused. Do you want to order food?"

Nur Latifah : "MMM... I want to buy French fries, do you want it?"

Siti Nurhaliza : "Oh yes i want, i Will buy a drink later"

Nur Latifah : "Ok, i will order first"

Siti Nurhaliza : "Emm, this is a delicious french fries"

Nur  Latifah : "yaa, its iy favorite food"

Siti Nurhaliza : "you always order this food?"

Nur latifah : "yaa, as always"

Siti Nurhaliza : "you didnt go home?"

Nur Latifah : "No, i still have any extracurricular dance"

Siti Nurhaliza : "instead of yesterday, you have join the competition?"

Nur Latifah : "yess, but i have still to do the exercise"

Siti Nurhaliza : "btw, did you won the competition?"

Nur Latifah : "yess, i've won"

Siti Nurhaliza : woaww.... Congratulation"

Nur Latifah : "thank you.... I cant expect if i won"

Siti Nurhaliza : "i know, you can do it"

Nur Latifah : "don't mention it! Without your support, i'm nothing"

Siti Nurhaliza : "No, you so talented, i'm so gratefull.that make all of school proud of you"

Nur Latifah : "thank you so much....," " Btw, i have to go now"

Siti Nurhaliza : ohh okay, see you next time"

Nur Latifah : "see you....."


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